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Achieving the Perfect Dewy Skin in These Simple Steps

By Orgesta Tolaj


24 June 2024

dewy skin

© syda_productions / Freepik

Are you tired of trying countless skincare products only to be left with lackluster results? Achieving that dreamy dewy skin may seem like an impossible dream, but it is actually easier than you think! Ready to find out more? These are some simple steps and expert tips on transforming your skin from dull and dry to radiant and glowing.

What Is Dewy Skin?

Dewy skin is characterized by a hydrated, fresh, and smooth appearance, similar to skin that has just been exfoliated. It gives the impression of being healthy and glowing without appearing oily. Achieving this look may seem challenging, but we have all the information you need to achieve perfect dewy skin.

The Origins

Dewy skin, known as ‘Chok Chok’ in South Korea, emerged in the early 2000s, championed by a top makeup artist aiming for a moist and glowing complexion. This marked a shift from matte to natural-looking aesthetics, quickly gaining popularity among makeup artists and consumers alike.

Dewy skin
© Sr.Studio / Freepik

As South Korean culture gained popularity in Europe, dewy skin also became a trend, leading to a wide range of products tailored for achieving this glowing complexion in skincare routines.

What Is the Best Dewy Skin Routine?

To achieve dewy skin, focus on hydrating, exfoliating to promote cell turnover, and nourishing your skin with antioxidants and vitamins. Additionally, protect your skin from damage with sunscreen. These are our recommendations to enhance your skincare routine for a glowing complexion:

1. Always Start By Cleansing

Cleansing effectively removes buildup like oil, dead skin, and products that can dull the skin, according to skincare experts. However, over-cleansing should be avoided as it can damage the skin barrier, leading to moisture loss and less dewy skin. To cleanse gently yet thoroughly, skip cleansing brushes and tools, and instead use your hands. Apply cleanser with light pressure and circular motions for about 60 seconds.

2. Exfoliate Thoroughly

Exfoliation plays a crucial role in the cleansing process by removing dead skin cells and encouraging new cell turnover for smoother, radiant skin, as explained by skincare experts. Physical exfoliation methods, such as soft-bristled tools or micro-beads in cleansing solutions, can be effective but should be used with caution to avoid being too harsh on the skin.

3. Use Vitamin C

Brightening ingredients such as vitamin C are essential in a dewy skincare regimen. Vitamin C acts as a potent antioxidant that shields and repairs the skin from oxidative stress, crucial for collagen production and long-term skin radiance. A daily vitamin C serum helps combat free-radical damage, enhancing skin clarity, reducing hyperpigmentation, and promoting a glowing complexion.

4. Or Go For Hyalornic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is a humectant known for hydrating the outer layers of the skin, smoothing fine lines, and improving skin texture, as explained by skincare experts. It can hold up to 1000 times its weight in water, making it an excellent lightweight moisturizer. However, it’s crucial to apply hyaluronic acid to damp skin for optimal effectiveness. As a humectant, hyaluronic acid draws moisture from the environment into the skin. Applying it on dry skin may have the opposite effect, potentially dehydrating the skin by drawing water out from within.

5. Moisturize Well

To achieve dewy skin, it is important to understand the distinction between hydrating and moisturizing. Moisturizers create a barrier to seal in moisture, while humectants such as glycerin or hyaluronic acid attract and retain water in the skin cells. Using a humectant like hyaluronic acid, which can be found in serums or hybrid products combining serum and moisturizer qualities, helps achieve a dewy complexion. For additional hydration and moisture retention, a gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer with calming ingredients such as milk or chamomile is recommended.

Dewy skin
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6. Make Sunscreen Your Best Friend

Sunscreen is essential in any skincare routine, especially for achieving a natural, glowing complexion. It protects the skin from sun damage, which can lead to photodamage and dullness. By preserving collagen, elasticity, and moisture levels, sunscreen helps maintain youthful and dewy-looking skin.

Is There Another Way to Achieve Dewy Skin?

If skincare is not your cup of tea, you can also try some lifestyle changes. This can include:

1. Give Antioxidants a Try

Research shows that antioxidants, abundant in foods like berries, are crucial for skin health. Berries are rich in vitamin C, which supports collagen production to maintain skin firmness and health. Additionally, green tea contains catechins that enhance skin moisture, elasticity, and thickness, underscoring the importance of both diet and hydration for skin vitality.

2. Lower Sugar Intake

High-glycemic foods like white bread, white rice, soda, and fries can rapidly raise blood sugar and insulin levels, as highlighted by a 2014 study. This increase can stimulate sebum production and androgen synthesis, contributing to acne. Additionally, a 2020 study suggests that diets high in fat and sugar, typical of Western diets, may exacerbate inflammatory skin conditions such as psoriasis.

Dewy skin
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3. Stay Hydrated

Proper hydration not only supports overall health but also significantly impacts skin appearance. Research indicates that well-hydrated individuals tend to have skin that is less dry and rough, appearing more dewy. Studies have shown that adequate water intake can increase skin density and thickness, contributing to a healthier appearance. Monitoring urine color and responding to thirst cues are helpful indicators for maintaining hydration levels tailored to individual needs.

4. Eat Healthy Fats

A 2014 study highlighted the connection between diet and skin appearance, emphasizing the benefits of consuming good fats for achieving dewy skin. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in foods like mackerel, salmon, oysters, flax seeds, and walnuts, help maintain skin thickness and moisture levels. Low levels of omega-3s may contribute to dry skin.

5. Sleep More and Be Stressed Less

Quality sleep significantly impacts skin health and appearance. Short-term sleep deprivation can lead to perceptions of decreased attractiveness and healthiness. Long-term poor sleep has been associated with accelerated signs of aging, weakened skin barrier function, and reduced satisfaction with skin appearance. Thus, prioritizing adequate sleep is crucial for maintaining healthy and youthful-looking skin.

sleep and stress
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Moreover, stress has significant effects on skin health, contributing to conditions like acne, psoriasis, and dermatitis, according to research. Increased cortisol production during periods of stress can lead to heightened oil production, potentially causing acne. Additionally, stress can impair the skin’s outer layer, reducing its ability to retain moisture and leading to dryness. Managing stress is crucial for maintaining healthy skin.

Will you be trying out our dewy skin tips and tricks?

Disclaimer: While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, the content of this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Each person’s skin is unique, and skincare routines should be tailored to personal needs and concerns. Consult with a qualified dermatologist or healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your skincare regimen or treating any skin-related issues.

You might also want to read: This Is Why You Need to Start Double Cleansing

Orgesta Tolaj

Your favorite introvert who is buzzing around the Hive like a busy bee!
