Best and Easiest Way to Get Over an Adult Friendship Breakup

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Adult friendship breakups can be just as heartbreaking and difficult to navigate as romantic breakups. When a close friend drifts away or a friendship ends abruptly, it can leave you feeling lost and alone. How do you cope with the loss of a friend who was once a significant part of your life? In this scenario, it is important to acknowledge your feelings and find healthy ways to move forward. Here’s how you can do that.
How to Cope With Adult Friendship Breakups
Here are five ways to cope with an adult friendship breakup:
1. Give Yourself Space to Grieve
Experiencing a breakup involves grieving, and understanding this process can be beneficial in managing intense emotions. It’s essential to recognize that grieving isn’t a linear journey; different aspects of the loss may resurface over time. This cycle of processing emotions occurs in layers, and it’s natural to feel them deeply. There’s no rush to “get over it”; allow yourself to feel and process your emotions at your own pace.

2. Hang Out With Other Friends
In times of loss, remember that you still have other adult friendships to lean on. While you may miss regular contact with a particular friend, others will support you. Don’t hesitate to reach out to them for companionship or a listening ear. Dr. Seuss’s quote emphasizes the importance of those who truly care about you. Instead of isolating yourself, seek comfort from trusted individuals and maintain connections with others by attending events, hanging out, or chatting.
3. Prioritize Your Well-Being
During emotional upheavals, self-care often takes a backseat, but it’s crucial to prioritize it to prevent spiraling into depression or developing social anxiety. Establish an unbreakable self-care routine, including aspects like eating healthily, staying hydrated, exercising regularly, maintaining personal hygiene and a clean environment, spending time in nature, practicing self-compassion, and taking mental health breaks. Don’t isolate yourself; reach out to friends for support and ensure you’re taking care of yourself both physically and emotionally. Self-care not only helps you cope but also aids in keeping your mind off the pain as you process your emotions.
4. Try Writing About Your Feelings
Breakups, whether romantic or not, can be messy and emotionally challenging. It’s crucial to process these feelings rather than letting them consume you. Using tools like journaling, apps, or regular conversations with a trusted person can help you externalize your emotions and create a safe space for expression. Keeping feelings trapped in your head can lead to obsessive thoughts and hinder closure. Processing emotions is especially vital for dealing with anger, shame, loss, and pain, as bottling them up can result in explosive reactions. Take short breaks when overwhelmed to write down your feelings honestly and without reservation in your journal, allowing for unconditional self-expression.

5. Remember: People Come and Go
Life is unpredictable and nonlinear. Meeting someone and having a good connection doesn’t guarantee a lifelong relationship. People enter our lives for various reasons and may leave once their purpose is fulfilled. Understanding that relationships come in phases brings peace, with no set rules or obligations. As we evolve, our friendships also change, and it’s liberating to release the expectation of maintaining every friendship forever. Losing a friend is tough, but it creates space for new connections to form.
How are you currently dealing with an adult friendship breakup?
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