Dmitry Itskov’s Cybernetic Immortality Shows You Can Live Forever

© BBC News
Technology is definitely advancing every day and more. With AI taking the crown at the moment, it comes as no surprise that many visionaries want to reshape our daily lives with innovative gadgets or social media platforms. However, a Russian internet millionaire has a different plan in mind. His goal? To make immortality possible. But, how achievable can Dmitry Itskov’s Cybernetic Immortality idea really be?
Dmitry Itskov Cybernetic Immortality Idea
Dmitry Itskov, a 35-year-old entrepreneur, has set forth an audacious ambition: to achieve immortality within the next 30 years. Convinced of the seriousness of his pursuit, Itskov left the business world to dedicate himself to a cause he deemed more beneficial to humanity. With unwavering confidence in the success of his endeavor, he asserts, “I’m 100% confident it will happen. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have started it.”

Why Did He Start Working on Immortality?
Itskov acknowledges the inevitability of death. He particularly mentions that as we age, our cells lose their ability to repair themselves, giving us conditions like cardiovascular disease. Recognizing the limited time frame to explore immortality technologies, Itskov is investing a portion of his wealth in a bold plan. This plan involves leveraging cutting-edge science to unravel the mysteries of the human brain and subsequently uploading individual minds to computers. The overarching objective is to liberate individuals from the biological constraints of aging.

“The ultimate goal of my plan is to transfer someone’s personality into a completely new body.” Itskov declares. He outlines a vision where the essence of an individual can be preserved beyond the limitations of the physical form. The idea may sound far-fetched. However, Itskov’s commitment and the urgency he feels, given his mortality, underscore the seriousness with which he pursues the prospect of achieving immortality. He plans to do this through groundbreaking scientific advancements.
Is Immortality Truly Possible?
Dmitry Itskov’s fascination with achieving the seemingly impossible traces back to his childhood in the 1980s Soviet Union. He dreamt of becoming a cosmonaut and was inspired by a science fiction novel where the protagonist gains immortality and orbits the Earth. That is why Itskov pondered the implications of eternal life. Now, as he strives to enable the uploading of minds to computers, skepticism arises about the feasibility of his plan. However, the scientific director of Itskov’s 2045 Initiative, Dr. Randal Koene, a neuroscientist formerly associated with Boston University’s Center for Memory and Brain, dismisses any notion that Itskov has lost touch with reality, laughing off such suggestions.
Other Experts Are Also Sceptic
Randal Koene, the scientific director of Itskov’s 2045 Initiative, asserts that the theoretical possibility of uploading minds to computers exists, although it is extremely challenging. He distinguishes visionary thinking from madness, emphasizing that the concept is not impossible, given the current evidence. The theoretical basis for this idea lies in unanswered questions about how the brain works, with its 86 billion neurons transmitting information through electrical charges. However, the challenge, as highlighted by neurobiologist Prof. Rafael Yuste of Columbia University, lies in understanding how the physical substrate of interconnected cells in the brain gives rise to our mental world, encompassing thoughts, memories, and feelings.
According to what you read, do you think immortality will become possible one daydo you think immortality will become possible one day?
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