Heartfelt Message From Father of the Bride Made Guests Cry

© Freya Rosati / SWNS & Jonas Wilson / Pexels
It is no surprise that at every wedding, a few tears are surely shed. From the pure emotion of seeing the beautiful bride, to even seeing the two love birds coming together and solidifying their relationship even more. But at one particular wedding, the happy tears were flowing non-stop. Freya shared the story of how one simple letter made her entire wedding guest list shed tears. This is all due to this specific heartfelt message from the father of the bride. And here is the punchline to it all – This letter was written 20 years prior to her wedding!
The Unexpected Heartfelt Message from Father of the Bride
Freya Rosati, a 32-year-old bride, experienced a profoundly emotional moment on her wedding day when she received a message from her father, Philip Hargreaves, who had passed away 20 years prior. Philip, a pub landlord, had lost his battle with oesophageal cancer at the age of 53 when Freya was just 11. In the weeks leading up to his death, he lovingly wrote nine cards for his daughter, including eight for her future birthdays and a final one meant for her wedding day. This touching gesture allowed Freya to feel her father’s presence and love on this significant day, providing a poignant and unforgettable connection between them.

The Wedding Letter Including the Heartfelt message from the Father of the Bride
During the wedding, Freya’s mother, Theresa, 68, emotionally read the card in place of the father-of-the-bride speech that Philip couldn’t give, leaving everyone in tears. The card conveyed:
“I wish I could be standing next to you, the proudest dad in the world, to walk you down the aisle to the man you love, and to the next chapter in your life. Today is your day, enjoy everything about it. Laugh and cry. Be happy and confident.” Freya, a special effects technician from Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, shared: “It was such a sad moment – but so important to me that the card was read out. Even looking at his handwriting on that card – it really just felt like he was there, and it was so nice.”

Not the First Letters That Freya Received
Freya received cards from her father on her birthdays until she turned 18. But then he wrote one for her 21st birthday and another for her wedding day, with the latter being the most significant to her. Freya, who had a close relationship with her father, used to do everything with him, from attending dance classes to watching movies and playing games. She was a self-described “daddy’s girl” and remembered how her father would always say “yes” when her mother said “no” to something. In 2002, Philip began experiencing persistent indigestion. This was an illness that led to a diagnosis of terminal oesophageal cancer with only six months to live. Despite his previous complaints when he was less ill, he remained remarkably stoic and strong during his battle with cancer, becoming Freya’s hero.
Freya and Michael’s Relationship
In April 2016, Freya met her future husband, Michael, at work. Five years later, they got engaged. While preparing for their wedding, Freya and Michael faced challenges when it came to discussing the traditional roles of the father of the bride. This included traditions such as walking her down the aisle or sharing a father-daughter dance. Freya had to inform their photographer early on that it would be just her and her mother. She clarified that her father wouldn’t be present. She had seen many touching moments in videos where fathers tear up upon seeing their daughters in their wedding dresses, but this wasn’t a possibility for her.
How would you have reacted if you heard the letter being read out at a wedding? Would you have also shed a tear?
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