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Hungry Sheep Get “High” on Cannabis

By Orgesta Tolaj


12 October 2023

Cannabis eaten by sheep

The world really never phases to amaze us. On today’s “What is going on nowadays?” topic you can add to the list is cannabis-eating sheep. Yes, you have read that right. Recent reports have shown a herd of sheep in Greece indulging in something other than yummy grass. While people are worrying about what other people are doing, this is definitely a case that needs to be discussed instead. Here is everything that happened in Greece.

The News of the Cannabis-Eating Sheep

In the wake of Storm Daniel, a herd of sheep near the town of Almyros in Thessaly, Greece, found themselves indulging in an unexpected and rather unconventional feast. This group of unsuspecting herbivores, grappling with the aftermath of Europe’s highest-ever monthly precipitation brought on by relentless rain and severe weather, took refuge in a greenhouse that was cultivating medical cannabis.

The storm had wreaked havoc across the central region, causing torrential downpours, landslides, road and bridge collapses, and significant disruptions to vital water supplies. Seeking safety from the flooding, the herd of sheep made their way into the greenhouse, where they inadvertently helped themselves to over 600 pounds of cannabis crops.

news on cannabis-eating sheep
© Judith Prins / Unsplash

The bewildered shepherd observed his flock exhibiting what he could only describe as “strange behavior” after their unexpected munchies. The greenhouse’s owner expressed a mix of amusement and frustration when recounting the bizarre turn of events, saying, “I don’t know if it’s for laughing or crying. We had the heatwave, and we lost a lot of production. We had the floods, we lost almost everything. And now this… The herd entered the greenhouse and ate what was left. I don’t know what to say, honestly.” So, amidst the chaos of severe weather, the sheep had an inadvertent rendezvous with a cannabis buffet.

What Do Greek Farmers Have to Do With the Cannabis-Eating Sheep?

Yannis Bourounis, the farm owner, shared his observations. He continued stating that the sheep were “jumping higher than goats, which never happens,” after consuming the cannabis. Greece legalized the use of cannabis for medical purposes in 2017. It also recently opened its first medicinal cannabis production plant in 2023. This emerging industry has attracted substantial investments, and the Greek government is actively promoting a regulatory framework for the cultivation, processing, and export of medicinal cannabis. This move is seen as a solution to address the challenges faced by Greek farmers. The ladder has experienced declining profit margins in traditional agricultural products in recent years. The cannabis sector offers the potential for economic growth and diversification in the country’s agricultural landscape.

Why Cannabis-Eating Sheep Are a Huge Problem

When animals like sheep consume cannabis, it can be very risky. There have also been cases where dogs accidentally ate their owner’s cannabis, which led to negative effects like neurological problems and even life-threatening situations.

In some scientific experiments, researchers have given cannabis to animals to see what happens. In 2022, they fed dairy cows a diet that included industrial hemp. The cows showed changes in behavior, such as more yawning, extra drooling, and difficulty moving steadily. This helps scientists understand how cannabis affects animals, emphasizing the importance of being cautious and doing more research on this topic.

What do you think of this situation? Why are animals being exposed to risky situations like this? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

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Orgesta Tolaj

Your favorite introvert who is buzzing around the Hive like a busy bee!
