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This Single Factor Can Change Your Child’s Life

By Albulena Murturi


19 September 2023

How can I improve my child's reading culture?

In the quest to prepare our children for successful adulthood, parents often find themselves pondering: “How can I prepare my children for a successful adulthood?” It’s a common concern shared by caring parents everywhere. However, as you delve into this article, you will experience a shift in perspective. You will find yourself asking a different, yet equally important question: “How can I improve my child’s reading culture?”

Together, let’s explore the powerful influence of books on young minds, and discover how to nurture their reading culture one book at a time!

How Books Shape Children’s Lives According to Study

Approximately eighty (80) is the estimated number of books a family should have, for the children to grow into thriving adults, and that is a fact. Books and a reading culture at home during childhood have the power to enhance their adult life regardless of other variables, a study published in Social Science Research suggests. When these distinctions are made, the evidence indicates that educational success is primarily attributed to book-related cultural resources, as opposed to other factors like socioeconomic status or an art appreciation heritage.

This lends credence to the argument put forth by scholarly cultural theory that immersing children in environments rich in books contributes to their future educational accomplishments, achievements, and professional status. The researchers identified a connection between households abundant in books and the aptitude to apply mathematical concepts in daily situations, as well as the proficiency in utilizing digital technology for communication with others. These discoveries have been interpreted to indicate that the socialization associated with a book-oriented upbringing, as reflected by the size of a home library, imparts young individuals with enduring preferences, abilities, and knowledge that extend throughout their lives.

So you don’t have to be part of elite status groups that are surrounded by art and culture, and traditions inherent through generations to have that scholarly culture that is so much desired. Not necessarily. You will only need books. Lots of books.

How can I improve my child's reading culture?

How Can I Improve My Child’s Reading Culture?

Armed with this knowledge, we are ready to provide you with some valuable tips on how to establish an environment that nurtures your children’s growth and prepares them to flourish in their journey to adulthood. Here are our ten suggestions.

1. Buy one book a month

If you plan on having children one day, you are going to want to save this: by acquiring just one book per month starting from your twenties, you can amass over 100 books by the time you reach your thirties. Adding to this the books inherited from your parents, you’ll find yourself having assembled the kind of library of every child’s dream.

2. Include your childhood favorites

We all have favorite books that shaped our world understanding and brought us up in almost magical ways. Adding those books to the library will also add a piece of you in your children’s view of the world and will help you understand each other better. Your kids will run to you to discuss the book right after they finish reading it. What a joy would that be!

3. Find books that match your child’s interests

It does not take science to know that people usually do not do things they don’t find interesting. Interests play a big role in a child’s motivation to read, without which books would be used only for decoration. When children have a say in selecting their reading materials, they feel a sense of ownership over their learning journey, empowering them to make choices and take responsibility. That’s why it is of immense importance to buy books based on your children’s interests because that holds the potential to shape their whole identity.

4. Buy used books when you can

Books can never be considered old, they simply become classics. Buying used books is economically friendly and environmentally friendly as well. It can save you money and save the trees. It also can help the small businesses around your area. And you should do it with your kids. Imagine going to the library and looking for the classics you read as a child, it’s like going on an adventure. That’s an experience worth having.

5. Give books to your children as gifts

There are birthdays, holidays, and milestones, and so many opportunities for gifts. Include books. They are such a joy to receive as a gift and such an easy way to install a culture of reading and exploring. If you are going to spend money on something anyway, instead of on material things, spend it on something that can also feed the soul.

6. Send them to book clubs or start a book club with them

Book clubs are always a good idea. The kids can socialize with other fellow readers and those are the friendships you want for them. They will exchange titles and authors and their worlds will get bigger and deeper. Or you can have a book club together. I can’t wait for my kids to be at the age when we can read Harry Potter, because I haven’t had the opportunity to read it as a teenager. Shocking, I know.

How can I improve my child's reading culture?
©️ Dilara Doğar / Pexels

7. Allow books to be left out around the house

If you are reading in the kitchen while drinking your morning coffee, leave the book there. Books should be everywhere, in the kitchen, in the living room, on the porch, bedroom, you name it. Have a little place for books in every room. They are great for decor and give such a charming vibe to the house.

8. Create a book tracker

As a grown-up, I consider the number of books I read an undeniable accomplishment. But I have no idea how many of them I have read. I forgot the titles and the authors of some of them, and that is not a good feeling. Track the books your kids read, make a list on Excel, they will thank you when they grow up. Or even better, make them write something about every book they read, what they liked or what they consider a lesson they will use in life. This way, they will never forget anything.

9. Online books are books too

Although we are talking about having books in their physical form, our digital world is growing to be part of our lives more and more every day. I know, I know, you want to get rid of the phones, and get the kids out of the house as much as possible, and you should do that. But phones are here to stay, and being able to read on your electronic devices is kind of a skill nowadays. Also, there are hundreds of classics you can download online for free. Every penny is worth saving in this economy.

10. Go to book fairs

Don’t you just want to look at books? There is no place with more books than a book fair. Book fairs are those warm and wholesome places where you want to wander around until your heart’s content. They are an opportunity for memory-making adventures. There are so many books waiting to be discovered, and book fairs make that easy for you. Your kids can also socialize with other fellow readers that are not so easy to find nowadays. Wouldn’t that be great?

There you have it! Some simple life hacks that can improve your child’s reading culture and make a huge difference to their future. Whether it is going to book fairs, or visiting your local library, make sure that books are there, in every step of your kids’ childhood. Like the most loyal friend.

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Albulena Murturi

An enthusiastic learner rediscovering the joy of writing.
