Quiz: Does He Like Me?

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This quiz is for fun and self-reflection purposes only. It is not intended to provide definitive answers. If you have serious questions about your relationship, consider talking to him directly or seeking advice from a trusted friend or counselor.
Wondering if he likes you can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. This quiz is designed to help you reflect on his behavior and gain insight into his feelings. If your results indicate that he’s showing signs of interest, it might be a good time to take things to the next level and have an open conversation with him about how you feel.
On the other hand, if the results suggest he’s not as interested, it’s important to remember your worth. You deserve someone who is genuinely interested in you and makes you feel valued.
It might be challenging, but sometimes stepping back from a relationship that isn’t fulfilling can open the door to finding the right person for you.
Ultimately, the best way to know how someone feels is through honest and direct communication. Whether he likes you or not, there are always steps you can take to ensure you are in a positive and supportive relationship.
Let the Quiz Begin!
It seems like he likes you!
He makes an effort to spend time with you, engages with you in meaningful ways, and shows signs of interest and affection. Keep an eye on his actions and trust your instincts. If you are still unsure, consider talking to him about your feelings.It appears that he may not be as interested as you.
His actions suggest a lack of engagement and interest. It might be time to reassess your feelings and consider whether this relationship is worth pursuing.
Remember, you deserve someone who shows clear interest and makes you feel valued.
#1. How often does he initiate contact with you?
#2. How does he act around you?
#3. Does he compliment you?
#4. How does he behave on social media towards you?
#5. Does he make an effort to spend time with you?
#6. How does he react when you talk about other guys?
#7. Does he remember small details about you?
#8. How does he treat you compared to others?
#9. Does he try to make you laugh?
#10. How does he react when you need help or support?
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