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Stay Young Forever: Reverse Aging is Now Possible

By Orgesta Tolaj


28 June 2024

old woman and baby reverse aging

© Rene Asmussen, Sam Rana / Pexels

It looks like Dorian Gray’s dream of eternal youth is becoming a reality. A recent study led by Harvard Medical School scientists has shown that reverse aging in humans is now more attainable than you might think. This incredible finding about reverse aging claims that cells can now be regenerated.

So what does this mean? Simply put, anti-aging products will hopefully not be necessary anymore in the near future!

red and pink cells

The team found out that some specific genes, which are known as Yamanaka factors, can turn adult cells into stem cells (or as they call it in the science world, iPSCs). The team’s main concern was if these factors could help reverse cellular aging, provided they don’t cause cancer in the long run.

In their new study, they looked for molecules that could make human cells young again. They used tests to differentiate between young and old cells, sort of like aging clocks. And guess what? They found six chemical mixtures that can make cells youthful again in less than a week!

The Reverse Aging Resolution

Before this, the researchers showed that they can reverse cellular aging by adding specific Yamanaka genes to cells. They tried it on different body parts like the optic nerve, brain, kidney, and muscle in mice, and it worked! They even saw improved vision and longer lifespans in mice. Recently, they also noticed better vision in monkeys. So, they’re really making strides in this research!

In another study from the National Library of Medicine back in 2020, scientists used mice for their experiments. The old mice had lousy eyesight and damaged retinas. By injecting them with Yamanaka genes, the mice suddenly regained their vision. It was said to be almost as good as their younger relatives!

reverse aging in mice
© Nick Fewings

The research showed that it is highly possible to reverse cellular aging without triggering any cell growth. The researchers proved this by injecting Yamanaka genes into specific cells by using viruses. They tested the injections on the brain tissue, kidneys, and even muscles, and the result? It worked! The injections were successful in monkey vision as well.

David Sinclair, the researcher, strongly believes we can do the same for people. However, don’t be too excited yet. This mission started 20 years ago and it is still ongoing!

The Anti-Aging Possibility

This great breakthrough allowed the Harvard researcher to envision a future where all age-related diseases could be treated effectively. According to Sinclair, this whole reverse-aging process could be done with a singular pill!

The regeneration of cells can be described as a permanent reset. This reset might work throughout the whole body, making us feel younger again. This would mean that, no matter whether you’re 50 or 95, you would never have to worry about any illnesses ever again. And yes, this does include cancer and Alzheimer’s! Sinclair is super hopeful about this new and exciting breakthrough that can change the game of aging-related diseases.

Whether the process of reverse aging will be available for general use in the next few years, or it will last a bit longer is definitely not the key point here. Knowing that we can live our lives to the fullest without worrying about cancerous diseases is definitely exciting!

What do you think? Are you pro or against anti-aging or reverse aging processes? We would love to hear your thoughts!

Orgesta Tolaj

Your favorite introvert who is buzzing around the Hive like a busy bee!
