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Study Reveals: Online Classes Affect Female Students’ Grades

By The Hyperhive


5 May 2024

online classes affect female students' grades

©️ Brooke Cagle / Unsplash

In a fascinating twist, recent research published in the Economic Letters Journal has explored the impact of attractiveness on academic performance. More specifically, it examined the changes brought about by the shift to online classes during the COVID-19 pandemic. While prior studies have suggested a beauty premium in various areas of life, this new study highlights an intriguing finding: the advantage of looks in earning higher grades seems to diminish for female students in remote learning environments.

Conducted by Adrian Mehic, a graduate student at Lund University, the study aimed to explore the impact of attractiveness on university grades both in-person and remotely. By analyzing data from engineering students at a Swedish university, the researcher compared the grades of students attending in-person classes with those attending online. The findings revealed a notable pattern.

online classes affect female students' grades
©️ Vlada Karpovich / Pexels

In the traditional in-person instruction setting, attractive students generally received higher grades, particularly in non-quantitative courses that involved more interaction between students and teachers. However, when classes transitioned to online platforms, “the beauty premium” seemed to dissipate, but only for female students. While attractive male students continued to enjoy higher grades even with limited student-teacher interaction, attractive female students saw a decline in their grades.

These results suggest that discrimination may play a role in the beauty premium for female students, as they no longer experienced higher grades when classes were taught remotely. On the other hand, for male students, attractiveness appeared to be a productivity-enhancing attribute, enhancing their performance even in low-interaction settings. The study proposes that male students’ persistence, influence on peers, and improved social skills associated with attractiveness might contribute to their continued academic success.

online classes affect female students' grades
©️ Yan Krukau / Pexels

The findings shed light on the complexities of appearance-based discrimination and its effects in an educational context. While the reasons behind this phenomenon require further investigation, it seems that looks can have varying impacts on academic performance depending on gender and the mode of instruction.

Understanding the impact of appearance in education is important as we adapt to changing times. By addressing discrimination based on looks, we can create a fair learning environment where all students can succeed. It’s a chance for us to examine our biases, challenge societal norms, and promote equal opportunities for everyone.

In summary, this study reveals the connection between attractiveness, academic achievement, and the evolving education system. By uncovering the complexities of appearance-based discrimination, we can work towards a future that values and recognizes everyone’s potential, regardless of their physical appearance.

The Hyperhive

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