Thailand to Send 2.5k Monkeys to Jail After This Recent Terror

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Who let the monkeys out? Monkeys running rampant in a city may sound like something out of a movie, but for one Thai city, itâs a real and ongoing issue.
After years of primates causing havoc and terrorizing residents and tourists, authorities in this city are taking drastic measures to control the situation by relocating over 2,500 monkeys to a specially designated Thailand monkey âjailâ area.
Why Is Thailand Considering Monkey Jails?
Wildlife officials in Lopburi have devised a plan to address the issue of thousands of macaque monkeys causing trouble for residents and tourists. The plan involves rounding up 2,500 of these monkeys and placing them in large enclosures outside the city, ensuring they cannot escape.
Athapol Charoenshunsa, the director-general of the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation, emphasized the aim to prevent both humans and monkeys from being harmed in the process.

Due to the ongoing monkey problem in Lopburi, businesses are closing down and investors are hesitant to invest further. This is according to a report by the South China Post in February.
Locals in Lopburi are increasingly concerned due to a string of troubling incidents involving monkeys. In one recent incident, a woman dislocated her knee when a monkey pulled her off her feet while trying to snatch food. Another incident involved a man being knocked off his motorcycle by a hungry monkey.
What Is the Plan for the Thailand Monkey Jail?
Officials plan to place some of the captured monkeys at the Lopburi Zoo as a monkey jail. They will also collaborate with wildlife experts to explore options for allowing a limited number of the protected species to remain in the city, according to Charoenshunsa.
The macaque monkeys in Lopburi are both a cultural symbol and a tourist attraction. This is evidenced by the annual âMonkey Buffetâ festival. However, their large numbers have led to chaos and clashes with humans in the city. Some residents attribute this to the failure of wildlife officialsâ previous attempts to control the population.
Is This a Solution?
Local officials attempted to address the issue by establishing designated monkey feeding areas near tourist spots. They are imposing fines for feeding monkeys outside of these zones. However, certain territorial monkey groups took over these feeding areas, leading to conflicts with rival groups. This exacerbated the problem, as monkeys began harassing humans in other areas for food even more.

Despite efforts to control breeding by neutering 2,600 male monkeys from 2014 to 2023, the overpopulation issue persisted. Additionally, the monkeys were filmed stealing bananas from a 7-Eleven store on nearby Koh Phi Phi island in September.
What Is Expected Soon?
Wildlife officials have initiated a Thailand monkey jail option. They are prioritizing the capture of aggressive alpha males despite the enclosures not being completed yet. They have caught 37 monkeys thus far, with the majority being placed under the care of wildlife authorities in the neighboring province of Saraburi.

Once the enclosures are completed, officials will focus on removing monkeys from residential areas. They plan to transport them in cages only with members of their own troop to prevent fighting. Charoenshunsa noted that 52 out of Thailandâs 77 provinces frequently face issues related to monkeys.
Phadej Laithong, the director of the Wildlife Conservation Office, stated that the monkeys are seeking food from humans due to a scarcity of natural food sources. He emphasized the need for humans to adapt to the presence of the cityâs monkeys.
Do you think it is necessary for Thailand to open Monkey jails?
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