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The Top 10 Richest People in the World

By Medina Syla


10 July 2024

Richest People in the World

The world’s ten richest people are more than just names on a list.

They are titans of industry, innovators, and shrewd strategists who have reshaped the global landscape. But their stories extend far beyond their staggering net worths.

To truly understand these richest people in the world, we must delve into their backgrounds, family ties, and the pivotal moments that propelled them to the pinnacle of wealth.

From Self-Made to Heirs: Richest People in the World

1. Elon Musk: The South African Dreamer

Born in Pretoria, South Africa, to a South African father and Canadian mother, Elon Musk’s entrepreneurial spirit blossomed early. His parents divorced when he was young, and Musk spent his childhood shuttling between his parents’ homes.

Despite initial struggles, his fascination with technology and science fiction fueled his ambitions. While attending Queen’s University in Canada, Musk transferred to the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, where he earned bachelor’s degrees in physics and economics.

His entrepreneurial journey began with Zip2, an online navigation service, and, an online payment system that later morphed into PayPal. These early ventures laid the foundation for his future success with Tesla and SpaceX.

Richest People in the World
©️ Real Time with Bill Maher / Youtube

2. Jeff Bezos

Is the mastermind behind Amazon, wasn’t born with a silver spoon. Raised in a middle-class family in Albuquerque, New Mexico, his early interest in computers, coupled with his adoptive father’s encouragement, instilled a drive to innovate. While attending Princeton University, Bezos excelled in computer science and electrical engineering.

Interestingly, after graduation, he landed a lucrative job at a hedge fund but harbored dreams of building his own company. His initial idea for an online bookstore pitched to his former boss, wasn’t met with enthusiasm. This rejection, however, likely fueled Bezos’s determination to prove his concept. In 1994, he launched Amazon from his garage in Seattle, forever changing the way we shop.

Richest People in the World
©️ Lex Clips / Youtube

3. Bernard Arnault: The King of Luxury

Luxury is practically in Bernard Arnault’s blood. Born into a wealthy French family, he inherited his father’s construction firm, Ferret-Savinel. Unlike many heirs, Arnault displayed a keen business acumen from a young age. He cleverly transformed Ferret-Savinel into a real estate company named Férinel Inc., showcasing his strategic thinking. Arnault’s defining moment came in 1984 when he acquired Financière Agache, a textile company.

Arnault eventually gained control of Christian Dior and Le Bon Marché through a series of strategic acquisitions, laying the groundwork for his ultimate prize – LVMH (Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy). Today, LVMH reigns supreme as the world’s largest luxury goods company, and Arnault sits at the helm as its CEO and chair.

Richest People in the World
©️ CNBC International TV

4. Mark Zuckerberg

He is the co-founder of Meta Platforms (formerly Facebook), and hails from a comfortable background. Raised in Dobbs Ferry, New York, by dentist parents, Zuckerberg was exposed to technology early on. His parents nurtured his interest in computers, even hiring a private tutor to challenge him.

While attending Harvard University, Zuckerberg, alongside fellow students, launched a social networking platform initially intended for fellow students. This platform, Facebook, quickly transcended university walls and rose to global prominence. Zuckerberg’s success can be partially attributed to the supportive environment he grew up in, which allowed him to pursue his technological ambitions.

Richest People in the World
©️ Zuck / Instagram

5. Larry Page

The co-founder of Google (now Alphabet) comes from a family steeped in academia. Both his parents were computer science professors at Michigan State University, likely influencing his early interest in technology. Page’s intellectual prowess led him to Stanford University, where he pursued a Ph.D. in computer science.

It was here that Page met Sergey Brin, and together they conceptualized a new approach to search engine technology, forever changing the way we access information. Page’s upbringing in a household centered on computer science undoubtedly played a crucial role in shaping his future path.

©️ Google Zeitgeist / Youtube

6. Bill Gates: The Privileged Programmer

Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, grew up in a privileged environment in Seattle, Washington. His father was a prominent lawyer, and his mother served on corporate boards. Gates’s early exposure to computers at his private school, Lakeside School, sparked his passion for software development. At Lakeside, Gates had access to a computer terminal, a rare opportunity at the time, which fostered his coding skills. With his friend Paul Allen, Gates began developing.

©️ Bill Gates / Facebook

7. Larry Ellison

The co-founder of Oracle had a challenging upbringing in Chicago.

Raised by a single mother after his biological father left the family, Ellison faced financial difficulties. He eventually dropped out of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and bounced around various jobs before landing a position as a computer programmer at Amdahl Corporation.

Ellison’s relentless work ethic and frustration with existing database management systems fueled his entrepreneurial spirit. In 1977, he co-founded Oracle, revolutionizing the industry with its relational database software. Ellison’s journey from a difficult childhood to the pinnacle of the software world is a testament to his tenacity and vision.

©️ CBS News / Youtube

8. Sergey Brin

Sergey Brin, the co-founder of Google (now Alphabet), immigrated to the United States from the Soviet Union at a young age with his family.

His father, a mathematician, and his mother, a research scientist, instilled in him a love for science and technology. This foundation, coupled with his intellectual curiosity, propelled Brin towards academic excellence. He eventually landed at Stanford University, where he met Larry Page. Their shared passion for technology and their innovative approach to search engine design led to the birth of Google.

©️ Stanford / Youtube

9. Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett, the legendary “Oracle of Omaha,” stands apart from his billionaire peers. Born into a family steeped in finance – his grandfather was a stockbroker, and his father was a Congressman – Buffett’s fascination with investing began early. At just 11 years old, he purchased his first stock using money saved from delivering newspapers.

Buffett’s value-driven approach to investing, focusing on buying undervalued companies with strong fundamentals, is the cornerstone of his success. He honed his skills at Benjamin Graham’s investment firm, Columbia Partners, before establishing his own investment partnership, Buffett Partnership Ltd., in 1956.

Richest People in the World
©️ CNBC Television / Youtube

10. Steve Ballmer

The former CEO of Microsoft and current owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, stands out as a fascinating figure in the world of technology and business. Unlike some of his billionaire peers whose paths were paved with privilege, Ballmer’s journey is marked by a blend of hard work, strategic thinking, and a pivotal connection forged during his college years.

He excelled in school and eventually landed a spot at Harvard University, a prestigious institution that would shape his future.

Richest People in the World
©️ Bloomberg Television / Youtube

The Ever-Evolving Tapestry

These ten richest people in the world represent a microcosm of the vast and ever-evolving landscape of wealth creation. Their stories showcase the power of ambition, resilience, and the ability to capitalize on emerging trends. From self-made mavericks to those born into privilege, each billionaire’s path is unique.

Yet, there are common threads – a relentless pursuit of a vision, the ability to overcome challenges, and a keen understanding of the ever-changing market forces.

You might also like to read: Where Does Google’s Name Come From?

Medina Syla

I couldn't help but wonder...
