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This Is Why You Need to Start Double Cleansing

By Orgesta Tolaj


13 June 2024

double cleansing

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Do you feel like your skincare routine could use an upgrade?

Double cleansing might be the answer. If you’ve been struggling with breakouts, dull skin, or clogged pores, it could be because you’re not effectively removing all the dirt, oil, and makeup from your face.

What Is Double Cleansing?

The concept of double cleansing involves washing your face twice, utilizing specific types of cleansers.

The first step involves using an oil-based cleanser to effectively remove waterproof makeup, sunscreen, and excess oil from the skin, particularly beneficial for oily skin types. This initial cleansing step prepares the skin for water-based cleansers and enhances the absorption of subsequent skincare products such as serums, moisturizers, and sunscreen.

Double Cleansing
© Racool_studio / Freepik

The double cleansing method, foundational in K-beauty skincare routines, has gained popularity in the U.S. over the past decade. According to Charlotte Cho, co-founder of Soko Glam, proper cleansing is essential for achieving dewy, soft skin, making it a crucial step in skincare. This method involves first lifting dirt and grime with an oil-based cleanser, followed by thorough cleansing with a water-based one. Many dermatologists also advocate for a double cleanse to ensure the effective removal of impurities.

How Can You Double Cleanse?

These are the two main steps of double cleansing:

1. First Step

Begin your double cleansing routine with an oil-based cleanser to effectively remove impurities such as makeup, dirt, oil, and sunscreen. Despite concerns about using oil-based products, they are effective because oil removes oil, breaking down excess sebum and oil-based impurities like makeup and sunscreen.

2. Second Step

After using an oil-based cleanser, follow up with a water-based cleanser to ensure thorough removal of impurities. Options like gel or foaming cleansers work well, but micellar water is also effective. If you have acne-prone or extremely oily skin, consider using a micellar water emulsion followed by a foaming cleanser for optimal results.

Extra Information

For a thorough cleanse, ensure to massage the cleanser into your skin, including the eye area, for a few minutes. Using small circles helps loosen makeup and dirt effectively. Afterward, rinse well. If desired, a washcloth can be used for gentle exfoliation, but remember to wash it after each use. Additionally, facial cleansing brushes can also aid in cleansing.

How Often Should You Double Cleanse?

While double cleansing is typically done at night to remove makeup and grime, it can also be beneficial in the mornings to address sebum production overnight. Choose a frequency that fits your lifestyle and aim for consistency. If you miss a session, simply resume the routine the following day without worry.

Double Cleansing
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The Best Cleansers Based on Your Skin Type

These are the top cleansers you should consider depending on your skin type:

  • Normal skin. You can opt for a gentle, unscented water-based cleanser if you have normal skin. Whether to choose a cream or foaming cleanser is based on personal preference.
  • Dry skin. For those with dry, sensitive skin, it’s best to choose a gentle, unscented water-based cleanser. Cream cleansers are recommended over foaming ones as they are less drying.
  • Combo skin. For combination skin, which can be oily in some areas and dry in others, opt for a water-based foaming cleanser.
  • Oily skin. For oily, acne-prone skin, it’s best to choose water-based foaming cleansers containing active ingredients such as salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or benzoyl peroxide.

What Are Some Benefits?

“Wash your face” is a crucial rule in skincare, following closely behind the golden rule of “wear sunscreen.” A clean face not only promotes healthier skin but also enhances the absorption and effectiveness of skincare products applied afterward.

Double cleansing is like a one-two punch, addressing both surface and deep-down impurities for optimal skin health and product efficacy.

Double Cleansing
© wayhomestudio / Freepik

Should Everyone Double Cleanse?

Double cleansing isn’t an absolute necessity for everyone, as skincare needs can vary depending on factors like skin type, lifestyle, and personal preferences. However, it can be beneficial for many people, especially those who wear makeup, sunscreen, or live in areas with high pollution levels.

Double cleansing ensures a thorough removal of impurities, allowing subsequent skincare products to work more effectively. Ultimately, whether to double cleanse or not depends on individual circumstances and skincare goals.

Can an Oil Cleanser Cause Breakouts?

While oil cleansers are generally effective at removing makeup, sunscreen, and excess oil from the skin, they can potentially cause breakouts for some individuals, especially those with acne-prone or very oily skin.

This is because certain types of oil-based cleansers may not be suitable for all skin types, and some oils have a higher likelihood of clogging pores or exacerbating acne.

washing face
© Racool_studio / Freepik

However, it’s essential to note that not all oil cleansers will cause breakouts, and many are formulated to be non-comedogenic, meaning they won’t clog pores. Additionally, individual skin reactions can vary, so what works well for one person may not work as effectively for another.

If you are concerned about breakouts from an oil cleanser, consider trying different formulations or consulting with a dermatologist to find the best option for your skin type.

Can You Use This Method More Than Once a Day?

No, double cleansing at night is generally adequate to prevent over-cleansing and irritation, particularly as makeup removal is not typically needed in the morning. Instead, a simple rinse with water or micellar water in the morning can effectively remove any overnight oil buildup from the skin.

washing face
© The Yuri Arcurs Collection / Freepik

Is it Possible to Wash Your Skin Too Much?

Overwashing your skin can lead to noticeable signs of dryness or irritation. However, double cleansing shouldn’t harm the skin when done correctly with suitable cleansers and techniques. Gentle massaging is key, and if twice a day feels excessive, stick to a nighttime double cleanse.

Different skin types may exhibit specific signs of over-washing; dry skin may become even drier, oily skin may become oilier and more prone to breakouts, and those with acne may experience increased inflammation.

Will you be trying out double cleansing any time soon? Let us know in the comments below!

Disclaimer: While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, the content of this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Each person’s skin is unique, and skincare routines should be tailored to personal needs and concerns. Consult with a qualified dermatologist or healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your skincare regimen or treating any skin-related issues.

You might also want to read: The Importance of Sunscreen: Do You Really Need It Everyday?

Orgesta Tolaj

Your favorite introvert who is buzzing around the Hive like a busy bee!
