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This Woman Breastfeeds Her Husband: “It Makes Him Healthier”

By Orgesta Tolaj


20 November 2023

breastfeed husband

© Dave Clubb / Unsplash & Mahdi Bafande / Pexels

What else can you expect from 2023? This time, there is news going around about a woman and her loving husband. They have children together and live in a beautiful house. They are healthy and happy together. So, what is the issue? Well, apparently, the wife breastfeeds her husband. Yes, you read that right! According to Rachel Bailey, she loves breastfeeding and loves it even more when she does it for her husband.

The Woman Who Breastfeeds Her Husband

In an unconventional approach to intimacy, 30-year-old Rachel Bailey from the US has revealed that she breastfeeds her husband, Alexander. The couple adopted this practice in 2017 and, according to Bailey, it has not only strengthened their bond but also resulted in purported health benefits for Alexander.

woman breastfeeding spouse
© Cater News Agency

Bailey claims that since embracing this unusual form of connection, her husband hasn’t experienced a cold in two years, and she notes that he has received compliments on the condition of his skin. This unique lifestyle choice has become a central aspect of their relationship, shaping a narrative of physical closeness and well-being for the couple.

A Lifestyle, Not a Kink

The couple emphasizes that their unconventional practice of breastfeeding is not a fetish for them, and they feel no embarrassment about it. They assert that nothing negative has resulted from their choice and, despite the taboo nature of the topic, they want to share their experience to challenge any stigma associated with it. According to Rachel Bailey, they believe it’s not a bad or shameful aspect of their relationship.

How She Began Breastfeeding Her Husband

Alexander initially began drinking Rachel’s breastmilk as a means of providing relief when she experienced over-lactation during a cruise while nursing their middle child, Aria. Rachel had forgotten her breast pump, leading to engorgement and pain. In an attempt to alleviate her discomfort and potential infection risk, the couple decided that Alexander would try drinking the milk. Despite initial nerves, Rachel describes the experience as an instant relief when Alexander latched on. This practice not only addressed the immediate issue but also created a special bond between the couple. During the period when Rachel was producing the most milk after giving birth, Alexander would drink her milk three to four times a day.

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How Did This Affect Their Lifestyle?

Rachel’s husband has developed a preference for her breast milk over cow’s milk, indicating a unique dietary choice within their relationship. Interestingly, Rachel points out that her own diet has an impact on her husband’s well-being, citing instances where consuming spicy foods affects him, even causing gas. Despite the unconventional nature of their arrangement, Rachel is careful to prioritize her children, ensuring they receive the necessary nutrition before any remaining breast milk is consumed by her husband.

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The couple openly shares their breastfeeding journey on social media, breaking the taboo around the topic, and has also made a public appearance on TLC’s My Strange Addiction. Rachel reflects on the positive aspects of this practice, expressing that beyond its practical benefits, breastfeeding her husband has become a cherished activity that fosters quality time between them. She attributes the experience to strengthening their bond as a couple, further emphasizing the closeness it has brought to their relationship.

Rachel Says It Is Normal to Breastfeed Her Husband

Rachel explains that she and her husband realized there was nothing wrong with her breastfeeding him, and they discovered it to be nutritionally beneficial. Alexander reportedly didn’t experience a cold for two years, and people noticed improvements in his skin. Contrary to being a fetish, the practice began as a way for Alexander to help Rachel alleviate pain but evolved into an emotional bonding experience.

woman breastfeed husband
© Cater News Agency

During Rachel’s third pregnancy, Alexander continued to assist by breastfeeding at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. However, due to a decrease in milk production, they now limit it to nighttime. Despite the reduction in breastfeeding sessions, Rachel expresses sadness, as it has disrupted their routine of quality time together. She describes the experience as positive, noting increased energy and a sense of well-being for Alexander. The couple is grateful for the bonding it has brought to their relationship, emphasizing that no negative consequences have arisen from this unconventional practice.

Do you agree with Rachel? Or do you think breastfeeding should be for children only?

You might also want to read: What Do These Different Breast Milk Colors Mean?

Orgesta Tolaj

Your favorite introvert who is buzzing around the Hive like a busy bee!
