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Is Pizza for Breakfast Really Healthier than Cereal?

By Medina Syla


18 June 2024

Pizza for Breakfast

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For generations, the breakfast table has been dominated by a familiar sight: a bowl of cereal swimming in milk.

But a recent claim by a dietician has thrown a breakfast bombshell into our routines. Could pizza, that beloved comfort food, actually be a healthier breakfast option compared to cereal?

Why Pizza For Breakfast Might Surprise You

Chelsey Amer, a registered dietitian and blogger, ignited a firestorm in the food world when she declared pizza a superior breakfast choice to a bowl of cereal with whole milk.

The crux of her argument lies in the calorie comparison. An average slice of pizza, Amer suggests, boasts a similar calorie count to a bowl of cereal with whole milk.

However, the key differentiator lies in protein content. Pizza packs a significantly higher protein punch, which can keep you feeling fuller for longer and prevent that dreaded mid-morning slump. Amer acknowledges that pizza isn’t a healthy food, but maintains that it offers a more balanced nutritional profile compared to sugary cereals.

This argument resonates with many. We’ve all experienced the sugar crash that often follows a bowl of sugary cereal. A spike in blood sugar followed by a rapid drop leaves us feeling tired and hungry before lunchtime. Pizza, on the other hand, with its combination of carbohydrates, protein, and fats, can offer a more sustained energy release.

Why is Pizza for Breakfast Healthier Than Cereal?

Hold on to your pepperoni slices just a minute, pizza enthusiasts!

Before you start stockpiling takeout boxes for breakfast, a note of caution is necessary. This comparison isn’t a statement advocating for greasy takeout pizza every morning. Rhiannon Lambert, a Harley Street nutritionist, emphasizes that the “health” factor hinges on the type of pizza and cereal you choose.

Pizza for breakfast
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Sugar-laden cereals with minimal protein and fiber are nutritional duds. A look at the ingredient list of popular breakfast cereals like Frosties, Coco Pops, or Crunchy Nut reveals a shocking truth: a serving can contain a whopping 3.5 to 3.7 sugar cubes worth of sugar!

With many people exceeding the recommended serving size, sugary cereals can lead to a blood sugar rollercoaster, leaving you feeling drained before your day even gets going.

On the other hand, some whole-grain, high-fiber cereals can be surprisingly good choices. These cereals offer sustained energy thanks to complex carbohydrates and keep you feeling fuller for longer with their fiber content.

The Breakfast Balancing Act: Fiber, Protein, and the Power of Choice

The key takeaway? It’s all about mindful selection, regardless of whether you choose pizza or cereal for breakfast. Many breakfast cereals are loaded with hidden sugars. When selecting cereal, prioritize whole grains and fiber content. Look for cereals with at least 6 grams of fiber per serving and 3 grams of sugar or less. Don’t be afraid to boost the protein content by adding nuts or seeds to your bowl.

Pizza For Breakfast
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Does this mean pizza is forever banished from the breakfast table? Not necessarily.

While a greasy delivery pizza might not be the most optimal choice, homemade pizza with quality ingredients can offer a balanced combination of carbs, protein, and healthy fats. Think lean protein toppings like grilled chicken or vegetables, and opt for a whole-wheat crust for added fiber.

The bottom line? Variety and moderation are key. Enjoy your occasional breakfast pizza creation, but prioritize whole grains, fiber, and protein for a truly energizing start to your day.

After all, breakfast is the foundation for a productive and healthy day, and both pizza and cereal have the potential to be part of a balanced breakfast routine, depending on the choices you make.

You might also like to read: Diabetes Prevention 101: Breakfast Really IS Important

Medina Syla

I couldn't help but wonder...
