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Escaped Kangaroo Punches Cop After Being Captured!

By Orgesta Tolaj


17 July 2024

Escaped kangaroo

© DRPS / X

An escaped kangaroo on the loose in Canada made headlines not for hopping around peacefully, but for, quite literally, fighting back! And, get this, it all happened in Canada!

Kangaroos aren’t exactly what you would expect to see in Canada, which makes this incident pretty interesting. From the Australian outback to the streets of Canada, this kangaroo’s adventure was a funny and unusual sight for everyone, including the cops!

Escaped Kangaroo Didn’t Leave Without a Punch

Police captured an escaped kangaroo that spent four days on the run in Canada. But not before it punched an officer in the face.

Durham Regional Police received a call from the public about the animal spotted hopping around in Oshawa, about 40 miles east of Toronto.

Escaped kangaroo
© DRPS / X

The animal that spent four days on the loose in Canada was caught by police after punching an officer in the face. The Durham Regional Police received reports of the kangaroo hopping around in Oshawa, about 40 miles east of Toronto.

How Did They Catch the Kangaroo?

Officers dispatched to handle the animal followed best practices by grabbing it by the tail, and successfully detaining it. One officer was struck in the face during the operation but is okay. Staff Sgt. Chris Boileau stated that there would be no further investigation.

They continued: “So in accordance with best practice by the handlers, the officers just actually grabbed it by the tail and they were able to safely keep her detained in the area.”

What Else Happened?

Officers apprehended the animal around 3 a.m. while it was resting. The kangaroo surrendered peacefully and was transported in a K9 kennel back to the zoo for examination.

Escaped kangaroo
© DRPS / X

They announced: “The kangaroo gave up and surrendered peacefully to police officers. She then received a ride in one of our K9 kennels back to the zoo where she is being examined.”

How Did the Kangaroo Escape?

Cameron Preyde, park supervisor at the Oshawa Zoo, stated that the kangaroo “jumped over” its handlers during a scheduled rest stop at the facility on its way to Quebec.

Handlers searched for a female kangaroo, about 4 years old, being transported with her adult offspring, but had difficulty due to darkness. She is set to travel to Quebec after a rest period, where handlers will monitor her more closely.

Do you think you would have been able to survive capturing this escaped kangaroo?

You might also want to read: Man Saves Dog From Kangaroo After Vicious Attack

Orgesta Tolaj

Your favorite introvert who is buzzing around the Hive like a busy bee!
