Study: Extravagant Wedding Expenses Can Lead to Divorce

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A recent study conducted by economics professors Andrew Francis-Tan and Hugo M Mialon challenges the common notion that extravagant weddings and expensive engagement rings signify lasting commitment and affection.
Analyzing data from over 3,000 married individuals in the United States, the study suggests that couples who opt for more modest wedding expenses are more likely to have successful and enduring marriages. Based on these data, researchers conclude that wedding expenses can lead to divorce.
Engagement Ring Expenses and Divorce Risk
The study reveals a surprising correlation between the cost of an engagement ring and the likelihood of divorce. Spending between $2,000 and $4,000 on an engagement ring is associated with a 1.3 times greater risk of divorce. Things are different for those who spend between $500 and $2,000. This challenges the conventional belief that a more expensive ring reflects a stronger commitment.

Ceremony Costs and Marriage Longevity
The findings extend to wedding ceremonies, where more affordable celebrations tend to result in more successful marriages. Weddings costing less than $1,000 show a significant decrease in the likelihood of divorce compared to those exceeding $20,000. The latter raises the likelihood of divorce by 1.6 in the sample of women. These results prompt a reconsideration of the societal pressure to host lavish weddings.

The Power of a Honeymoon
While the study suggests cutting back on wedding expenses, it also highlights the importance of investing in a honeymoon. Contrary to the trend observed with engagement rings and ceremony costs, spending on a post-wedding trip is significantly associated with a lower hazard of divorce. This suggests that couples may find greater value in allocating resources towards shared experiences rather than extravagant one-day events.
Looks and Marriage Duration
Beyond financial considerations, the study delves into the role of physical appearance in marital decisions. The data indicates that reporting the importance of a partner’s looks in the decision to marry is significantly associated with shorter marriage durations. This challenges superficial values and emphasizes the need for deeper connections and shared values in a successful marriage.

Implications for Future Decision-Making
The study challenges the widely held belief that more significant financial investments in weddings symbolize commitment and affection. Instead, it suggests that a more restrained approach may lead to greater long-term success in marriages. The emphasis on the importance of taking a honeymoon and being less materialistic in partner selection encourages couples to make more informed and sensible decisions when planning their weddings. The findings suggest that prioritizing shared experiences over materialistic displays of commitment may contribute to stronger, more enduring marriages. As couples navigate the complex landscape of wedding planning, these insights offer a valuable perspective on building lasting relationships.
Divorce in 2023
Forbes published an article with the data in hand about divorce in 2023. According to them, in the realm of divorce, a prevailing choice is the no-fault route. This is where irreconcilable differences serve as the primary reason for dissolution, accounting for 31% of such cases. Despite incompatibility being a commonly cited cause (31%), infidelity looms larger, contributing to the end of 34% of marriages. Interestingly, even when an extramarital affair occurs, couples often opt for a no-fault divorce, favoring simplicity over fault-based legal proceedings.

Among the array of reasons for divorce, issues such as a lack of family support, intimacy problems, heightened conflict, and financial stress play significant roles. Astonishingly, the leading cause is a lack of family support, influencing 43% of divorces. Strikingly, only 21% of respondents recognize disapproval from family or friends as a potential sign of marital risk. That happens despite its prevalence as a contributing factor.
The dynamics of divorce reasons shift with the duration of the marriage. Couples dissolving their unions quickly, within the first year, frequently attribute it to an inability to get along. This constitutes 59% of such cases. Over time, the significance of a lack of family support grows. Apparently, this emerges as the primary cause of divorces within years two through eight. For long-term couples, nine years or more, infidelity and a lack of intimacy become more pronounced triggers for divorce.
According to Forbes, contrary to popular belief, financial stress, hasty marriages following a brief acquaintance, and marrying at a young age are less commonly reported as indicators of a marriage at risk. This challenges prevailing assumptions about the leading causes of divorce.

Key Takeaways
According to Forbes, based on the data, these are some key takeaways about divorce in 2023:
- Only 27% of divorces are mutual, with the majority being initiated by one party.
- Divorces commonly occur between the third and seventh years of marriage.
- A mere 4% of couples decide to divorce after reaching the 10-year mark in their marriage.
- An overwhelming 92% of divorced individuals are acquainted with others who have experienced divorce.
- 63% of divorcees believe that a better comprehension of marriage commitments could have prevented their divorce.
- Lack of compatibility ranks as the primary reason for new couples to divorce. 59% of those who ended their marriage within the first year attribute it to this factor.
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