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Hair Growth Tips You Should Not Miss

By The Hyperhive


9 February 2024

Hair growth tips

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Ever had that feeling of regret after getting a haircut, or dealt with hair that seems to break and flake as soon as it grows past your shoulders? It’s frustrating, right? You might find yourself tempted by all those flashy products promising rapid hair growth, only to end up disappointed and broke. Spoiler alert: a lot of it boils down to lifestyle and genetics. But fear not, we have got some hair growth tips to help you on your journey to luscious locks.

But, how fast does hair really grow? According to Anabel Kingsley, a leading trichologist, it’s about half an inch (around 1.3cm) per month, averaging about six inches (15cm) a year. But hey, everyone is different, so your mileage may vary. Also, did you know you lose about 50 to 100 hairs a day? Sounds like a lot, but don’t fret – you have got plenty more where those came from.

Now, let’s talk solutions. We decided to cut through the noise and get insights from science. Forget those pricey miracle cures; we’re diving into natural treatments that might just do the trick.

Hair Growth Tips You Should Know

1. Massage

Ever thought about giving your scalp a little TLC? Massaging oils and masks into your scalp not only feels amazing but can also boost hair thickness and growth. Plus, this hair growth tip it’s also a great stress reliever – two birds, one stone!

A 2019 study on Self-Assessments of Standardized Scalp Massages found that scalp massages might help with hair loss from androgenic alopecia (AGA). They taught nearly 1900 people how to do these massages online, and about 340 tried them. Most of those who tried it saw their hair loss stop or even saw new hair growth. Spending more time on the massages seemed to give better results. It didn’t matter who tried it—age, gender, or how severe the hair loss was.

Hair growth tips
©️ valuavitaly / Freepik

2. Fish Oil

A study examined the effects of a 6-month supplementation of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, along with antioxidants, on female pattern hair loss. They found that those who took the supplements experienced better hair density, reduced hair loss, and thicker hair strands compared to those who didn’t take the supplements. Overall, the study suggests that this supplementation can be effective in improving hair health and reducing hair loss in women with pattern hair loss.

So, not just good for your heart apparently! Fish oil supplements can also work wonders for your hair. Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation and boost your hair growth cycle. Talk about a win-win!

Hair growth tips
©️ freepic.diller / Freepik

3. Aloe Vera

This magical plant isn’t just for sunburns. It can soothe your scalp, condition your hair, and even unclog hair follicles. Just slap on some pure aloe vera gel a few times a week, and you are golden.

A 2022 study aimed to develop a better treatment for alopecia areata, a condition causing localized hair loss. Researchers created tiny particles containing finasteride and oregano oil, which were then mixed into an aloe ferox gel. They found that this combination improved the release and skin penetration of finasteride, while also showing antibacterial effects against the bacteria associated with alopecia.

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4. Rosemary

Rosemary, a versatile herb that yields an essential oil packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Recently, it’s gained attention for potentially promoting hair growth and preventing loss, a practice rooted in centuries-old Mediterranean hair care traditions. This may be the most popular hair growth tip nowadays.

A 2013 study published by NCBI found that using an extract from the Rosmarinus officinalis plant helped mice grow their hair back after losing it. It also made their hair grow faster after being shaved. This suggests that using this plant extract could be a promising way to treat hair loss and promote hair growth.

Hair growth tips
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5. Coconut Oil

Say hello to your hair’s new best friend. Coconut oil is packed with fatty acids that nourish your hair from the inside out. Whether you use it as a pre-wash treatment or a leave-in conditioner, your hair will thank you.

A longitudinal study of the scalp microbiome investigated the effects of coconut oil on the scalp microbiome and scalp health. They found that applying coconut oil increased certain beneficial bacteria and reduced harmful fungi on the scalp. Interestingly, this shift was associated with improvements in dandruff symptoms. Overall, the study suggests that coconut oil could help maintain a healthy scalp by balancing the scalp microbiome.

Hair growth tips
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6. Ginseng

A study investigated how red ginseng extract (RGE) affects hair growth and skin health. Here is what they found:

  • In lab tests, RGE helped hair cells grow and prevented them from dying.
  • In mice, RGE stimulated hair follicles to transition from the resting phase to the growing phase, leading to thicker hair and skin.
  • RGE also boosted the activity of proteins associated with hair growth and improved the skin’s ability to fight off harmful substances.

This ancient remedy might just be the key to unlocking your hair’s full potential. Ginseng supplements stimulate hair follicles, promoting healthy growth. Just be sure to follow the dosage instructions.

©️ thuantri_hoangde / Pixabay

And the list goes on, each with their own unique benefits for your hair and scalp.

But here is the thing – natural treatments take time. You won’t see results overnight, so patience is key. And, if you are experiencing excessive hair loss or other concerning symptoms, don’t hesitate to consult a healthcare professional. They might recommend specialized products or procedures to address your specific needs.

So, there you have it – a roadmap to healthier, happier hair. Experiment with these remedies, mix things up and find what works best for you. And remember, whether you’re rocking long locks or a chic pixie cut, confidence is the best accessory of all.

Did you try any of these natural remedies? Tell us in the comments.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is for general informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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The Hyperhive

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